Welcome to Fix49.org


We the residents of Nevada & Placer Counties are greatly concerned by the recent head-on collisions on State Route 49 between Auburn and Grass Valley. We believe that widening the highway to 4 lanes (2 each direction and an adequate shoulder) and installing a center median would reduce the accidents and fatalities along this section of Highway 49. We are also concerned that in the event of a mass evacuation, such as a wildfire, that Hwy 49 is completely inadequate to handle the traffic with only two lanes. Over the last decade, the collisions per year have greatly increased from 89 to 166 (see graph below). 

You can help by emailing our leaders to provide the funding needed. 

To date we have given Caltrans over 3,000 signed petitions and we support Caltran's proposed study that includes:

Widening Highway 49 to fours lanes with a shoulder between Grass Valley and Auburn.

Installing Traffic Circles/Roundabouts at intersections where there are currently traffic lights and having traffic circles every 1-2 miles. This would allow residents with driveways that connect with the highway to make only right-hand turns onto the highway, and if needed, turning around at the next traffic circle. This allows for a center median to be installed, which will greatly reduce the head-on collisions that are so deadly. Currently Caltrans is in the first stages of doing the engineering and Environmental Impact Report to widen Hwy 49 between McKnight Way in Grass Valley south to La Barr Meadows Road.

Until then, there are numerous things that can be done to increase the safety of this section of road such as:

 Decisions we make as drivers: Speed, Cell Phones, Seat Belts, Sobriety, Respecting Other Drivers 

 Education: Reducing Speed in the Rain, Not Tailgating, Leaving 5 Minutes Earlier , Politeness 

 Speed Enforcement - the CHP needs to continue their presence and more speed enforcement - Thank You Nevada and Placer County CHP!




Silas Allen: Web Designer

Lisa Redfern:  Redfern Studios

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